Dummy Data

All the data displayed on app is dummy data, like people name, photos, time, text. That data loaded from res/values/array.xml

Here the example :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <integer-array name="sample_images">
        . . .
    <string-array name="sample_images_name">
        <item>Night Street</item>
        <item>Architect Desk</item>
        <item>City Building</item>
        <item>Computer Keyboard</item>
        <item>Grunge Window</item>
        . . .
    <integer-array name="people_images">
        . . .        
    <string-array name="people_names">
        <item>Anderson Thomas</item>
        <item>Adams Green</item>
        <item>Laura Michelle</item>
        <item>Betty L</item>
        <item>Miller Wilson</item>
        . . .

We also store dummy string data at res/values/strings-data.xml, And all dummy photos comes from :

www.pixabay.com www.pexels.com www.unsplash.com

Last updated